I do the best I can to ship cards out daily based on day job and family responsibilities:) I have hired someone to help me fulltime to fill orders and update inventory.
Najeela, the Blade-Blossom
Selfless Spirit Holo
Sunken Hollow EXP Foil
The Immortal Sun Holo
Tinybones, Trinket Thief
Candelabra of Tawnos
Alms Collector
Wooded Bastion
Ugin the Ineffable
Steel Overseer
Show and Tell
Rugged Prairie
Rishadan Port
Relentless Dead Holo
Platinum Emperion
Pithing Needle
Liliana, Heretical Healer
In the Eye of Chaos
Glacial Fortress
Gemstone Mine
Fetid Heath
Erebos, God of the Dead