I do the best I can to ship cards out daily based on day job and family responsibilities:) I have hired someone to help me fulltime to fill orders and update inventory.
Tropical Island vintage masters
Timetwister Vintage Championship 2004
Umbris, Fear Manifes
Toothy, Imaginary Friend sld
Toxic Deluge EMA
Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre (Borderless)
Timetwister 30th holo
Titania, Voice of Gaea
Tundra vintage masters
Timeless Lotus
Time Walk Vintage Championship 2018
Tireless Tracker SLD
Time Twist vintage masters
Thoughtseize (Borderless)
Time Walk 30th holo
Time Warp STA English
Thoughtseize SLD
Timetwister Vintage Championship 2018
Time Walk vintage masters
Tezzeret the Seeker sld
Temple Garden UNF Borderless
Teferi, Hero of Dominaria DOM
The Reaver Cleaver extend
Teferi's Protection 2x2 borderless